Sep 16, 2018 | 2018 - Weekly Fun, Books, Business Coaching, Isagenix, Quotes, Videos, Words
Memorable: #HurricaneFlorence: Our beautiful state of North Carolina, (NC) was hit my #HurricaneFlorence . My daughter and her young family had to evacuate the her home in New Bern, NC. My son and his family remained safe in Charlotte, and I remained safe! ...
Sep 9, 2018 | Business Coaching
Favorite things from this week: 1) Photos: How to take better photos on my iphone X, learned at my local AppleStore 2) Video: Glad he is back – teaching about mid-terms and the importance about voting 3) Person: Naomi...
Aug 26, 2018 | 2018 - Weekly Fun, Business Coaching
Not sure why this happened today? I received a podcast in my email from the Dave Ramsey team. It was an interview: Dave interviewing two guys, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus about their book and documentary on Minmalism: Live a Meaningful...
Aug 20, 2018 | 2018 - Weekly Fun, Business Coaching, Castles
After spending a week in England (my country of birth) I always come back to the USA (my country of residence) with mixed emotions or a bit uncertain and wobbly as to where I call home. As always meaningful memories were made and revisited. Every day was...
Jul 22, 2018 | Business Coaching
I remember in 2016 I took this picture of my mum and my Auntie Maureen in England, thinking how strong they have both been during their era! (I wont get into details yet.) My mum was born a Winkle and my Aunt Maureen became a Winkle by marrying my Uncle Brian,...
Jul 22, 2018 | Business Coaching
Couldn’t help but ponder over these words this morning! What is courage? “Having the courage to stay when it would be easier to go! (marriage) Having the courage to go when it would be easier to stay! (affair) Having the courage to ask for help...