Jun 19, 2016 | 2016 - Weekly Fun, Business Coaching
Etching and sketching ~Boston is one of my favorite cities in the US and also a place to learn about US history. This museum was a place to learn about the Boston Tea Party which took place on December 16th, 1773. “It was a protest by the American Colonists...
Apr 11, 2016 | Business Coaching
What do you think about this quote during annual, corporate assessments, “what someone else thinks of me is none of my business” `WD #coaching+
Apr 10, 2016 | Business Coaching
Creation says you are here for a purpose! Does your personal and business/corporate life match your purpose? Watch out for the serpent! #coaching+ ~J
Apr 7, 2016 | Business Coaching
Oh my, I realized today, that I need to reflect on this chart. Can you relate to this chart? I giggled at the “Cons” 🙂 #coaching+ #serving ~J
Apr 5, 2016 | Business Coaching
Learning to apologize like a Sheep Farmer, Wales, UK. In a corporate world, or in our personnel lives, we must learn to apologize when we make a mistake. Essential! However, if we dont feel safe we cover up, make an excuse, or something? (which all see through)....
Apr 3, 2016 | Business Coaching
A step ~ One step to becoming authentic; One step to becoming transparent; One step to being vulnerable; Equals three steps to knowing our uniqueness #serving #coaching+