Bean Town aka Boston

Bean Town aka Boston

Etching and sketching ~Boston is one of my favorite cities in the US and also a place to learn about US history.  This museum was a place to learn about the Boston Tea Party which took place on December 16th, 1773.  “It was a protest by the American Colonists...
Annual Assessments

Annual Assessments

 What do you think about this quote during annual, corporate assessments, “what someone else thinks of me is none of my business” `WD  #coaching+


Creation says you are here for a purpose! Does your personal and business/corporate life match your purpose? Watch out for the serpent! #coaching+ ~J
Learning to apologize like a Sheep Farmer, Wales, UK

Learning to apologize like a Sheep Farmer, Wales, UK

Learning to apologize like a Sheep Farmer, Wales, UK.  In a corporate world, or in our personnel lives, we must learn to apologize when we make a mistake. Essential!  However, if we dont feel safe we cover up, make an excuse, or something? (which all see through)....
A Step

A Step

A step  ~ One step to becoming authentic; One step to becoming transparent; One step to being vulnerable; Equals three steps to knowing our uniqueness #serving #coaching+