Week Eleven Born March 20th, 1932 Happy Birthday Mum! Eighty (80) What an incredible achievement to live 80 years and be in good health and spirit.  My mum always tells me she “still” has her marbles.  I certainly can validate that.  She is a whiz at her...


Week Ten “The Feather” It’s Sunday nite and my week ten is nearly over and the clock says I have 45 minutes to write my blog.  I now realize how I have let other stuff  get in my way of reaching my personal goals.  I am so glad I never tasked myself...


Week Nine “Tornados – A Violent Whirlwind” Tornados ripped through the Midwest this week,  the news read that  34 million people were in the “high” or “moderate” risk categories for severe weather on Friday.  A very tuff week...


Week Eight “Lent” It’s hard to believe that February is nearly over, week eight of 2012.  An important day happened this week,  Ashe Wednesday, or the first day of Lent which fell on February 22nd.  In biblicial  terms it is the period when Jesus...


Week Seven “Rain Water Harvesting” I had the privilege this week of attending a lecture about the importance of rain water harvesting, to collect, contain, and conserve.    To me this means capturing the rain water, from my traditonal home, thru the roof...