Jan 21, 2018 | 2018 - Weekly Fun, Business Coaching
So I encountered magic moments this week while being snowed in here in North Carolina this week. Not only did this little sweet song trigger happy memories the words are so tender with hope and it begins with whistles, can you whistle? here...
Jan 14, 2018 | 2018 - Weekly Fun, Business Coaching
From my coach to you! She is a great teacher! #CheryRichardson. If you have time you can listen to her recent teaching here. It’s seems weird that I can relate to her new book, “Waking Up In Winter” am I that old? ...
Jan 7, 2018 | 2018 - Weekly Fun, Business Coaching
Ready to accomplish those goals for 2018? That’s a “Yes” from me! I plan to of course, to work on my health: be fitter and healthier; my finances: to be debt free (long term goal), not use my credit cards; and continue, always to work on...
Aug 13, 2017 | Business Coaching
Have you heard the tale of the cracked pot? I hadn’t until this morning when our Yin yoga instructor decided to read it to us while we were stretching in one of our long poses: “An elderly Chinese lady had two large pots, which she carried...