February 8, 2014 – Daily Meditation Benefits

by | Feb 8, 2014 | 2014 - Weekly Fun, Business Coaching | 0 comments

meditate-buddha-300x225I use to meditate,   I called it my quiet time, but I havent really meditated for a long time (I  think I still have to figure out the difference between pray and meditation).  Anyhow,  I came across this blog on how to meditate and thought to myself, it is time to try again!  Reasons why: “So what is meditation and how does it create so much good for our bodies and minds?

There are four states of consciousness:  waking, sleeping, dreaming, and meditating.  So, meditation is actually a different state of consciousness from our waking life. It is a far more expanded state. Many people think that the purpose of meditation is to tune out, to get away from it all. While that’s partially true, the real purpose of meditation is actually to tune in-to take the journey into expanded consciousness that meditation provides. Meditation expands our consciousness by helping us to get into the space, the gap, between our thoughts and taps into the incredible energy that exists there. So you have a thought, and then another thought, but between the two, there’s a little space. According to the ancients, this space between the thoughts is the portal to the infinite intelligence of the universe, our Source. Some people call this energy “Spirit”; some call it “God”; some call it the “Universal Energy Field” or the “Unified Field. Once you get into that gap, you’ll find that, through this all-pervasive web of energy, everyone and everything is connected to everything else. You also discover that this universal field of energy is unlimited; it’s pure potential, and anything can be accomplished when you’re connected to it.” ~DK

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