by | Jan 15, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Week Two


Week two of 2012 here in North Carolina was a beautiful week.  The weather was awesome, blue skies, cold n’ frosty at times for the South but glorious running weather and it reminded me of James Taylor singing, “Carolina in my Mind.”  It was the first full week of routine activities, some folks call that the 9-5.  I must confess I struggled somewhat as I wrote down the today to-do lists and scratched the “done” off the to-dos list as I accomplished them.  I searched for things to boost my energy but ended up over the week finishing the movie series of “Lord of the Rings” which my son had loaned to me.  The movies in themselves, I decided, were my self-development lessons/medicine of the week.  So evil never prevails, we all know that,  right? never!  I loved the movie series and now on to the Harry Potter move series which my daughter loan to me.  I suspect similar messages but not so gory!   I think the Lord of the Rings movies have a PG-13 rating so looking forward to the PG rating of the Harry Potter movies series, meaning lighter?  Besides, the movie series I came across many things that made my week special. Below are 10 of my favorites things:

  1. The saying from Ray Youngblood on one of my weekly Amway CDs “i c a n, are the last four letters of American.”   Oowh, being British tho, I got it. 
  2. Kevin Bell’s words “it takes one single mother to raise five children, but where is the one child who will take care of his/her mother?”
  3. Making hardy dishes of chilli, stew,  and a homemade carrot cake with cream cheese topping (so much for my diet!)
  4. Getting all of my hair cut off.  Thank you Angela who reminded me that hair holds history and for my new energy!
  5. The Saturday run with my friends, “The Pop’ettes.”  Finishing our run at the Durham Farmer’s market, where I watched my girlfriends eat NC shrimp n’cheese grits for breakfast and meeting a Vegan/Vegetarian chef (wishing I could be more discipline with my eating habits)
  6. Speaking with my mother who reminded me “not to”  and “dont your dare.”  Some things never change.
  7. Picking colour charts for the project of painting my living room.
  8. The realization of my son and daughter’s caring and sensitive natures as words were spoken and not spoken.
  9. Being thankful and grateful for my warm home as I put the first log into the fireplace for the winter season.
  10. For Pastor Benji reminding us about a generous spirit vs scarcity mentality or the bag /storage unit mentality, where we hoard and store stuff in our storage units, for what reason?  and why so many of us are not blessed. Made a bunch of sense me as I was reminded of the importance to give and be generous with my time, words, and money (discernment) vs not being a good steward.

You did it girlfriend!  🙂



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