by | Feb 12, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Week Six

Whitney Houston,  1963 – 2012

“Jesus Loves Me Yes I know”

“Jesus Loves Me Yes I know” was the last song Whitney Houston performed at her final concert.  It is a beautiful song.  One wonders, why at 48, a beautiful women’s life ended so early here on earth.  There is no doubt she is surrounded by Angels in heaven.   Growing up with her music there are so many songs that I have danced and romanced to but I think one of my favorite songs is “I will always Love You” which she sung in the movie “The Body Guard” with Kevin Costner.

So goodbye Whitney, we will always love you….and Jesus loves you, yes we know…

Not my favorite subject to start my weekly blog, so, going to jot down the “10 happiest” things of  my week six, 2012.

1) As my son said, “Welcome to the 21st century, Ma”   Yippee, I am the proud owner of my first Apple product, an Iphone, 4S.  It beats my blackberry and is totally amazing, I am zipping thru the instructions and can actually send a text message.

2) Going back to the Bikram Yoga studio, after my leg injury.  Whoo, did I sweat, feel fat watching those skinny binnys bend n’ flex.

3) Finishing and filing those dreaded 2011 taxes.

4) Eating for the first time a Southern dish called Shrimp and Grits.  It was delicious, lots of shrimp, onions, leeks, etc.  The best thing about the dish was I didnt prepare it. Yum!

5)  The connection via email between my daughter and her Uncle and reading funny emails.

6) Loving the blue, blue skies in North Carolina in the month of February, even tho its very cold with brisk winds.

7) Admiring the creative spirit of my daughter .

8 Watching the movie, “The Margin Call” about the fall of Wall Street.  Yes, nothing new here all about Greed.

9)  Laughing with my mother on the phone this morning about the purchase of dresses for a special event.  I think we agreed to purchase our dresses at Walmart! 🙂

10) “Adele”  The Grammys,  six nominations!  Fire in the rain! Turning Tables! Someone Like You!  Win! Win! Winner!

You did it Girlfriend!  🙂


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