Not sure why this happened today? I received a podcast in my email from the Dave Ramsey team. It was an interview: Dave interviewing two guys, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus about their book and documentary on Minmalism: Live a Meaningful Life, (documentary on Netflix). So, I bought the Kool-Aid and immediately had to watch their documentary. It reminded me of so many teachings about decluttering, living simply, within your means, do not keep up with the Jones’ mentalility by trying to impress others with the big house, cars and material stuff especially if you cant afford it (no debt) because ultimately material stuff will not complete one’s inner happiness (been there, done that, bought the Tshirt).
It stated in the documentary that folks who win the lottery or acquire huge insurance monies loose it all within a couple of years – nothing suprising here. The ultimate teaching in their book, both going through terrible hardships and growing up in dysfuncational homes, is similar to Dave Ramsey’s teachings do not live beyond your means, no debt, cash only motto, no credit cards and most importantly! material stuff doesnt make one utilmately happy. I learned alot from the documentary and Dave Ramsey’s interview with these guys being Minimalists and about being debt free and opting for a Minimalistic lifestyle.
Take away for me was make time to spend doing things one loves, including career choices and develop loving caring authentic relationships with family and friends which doesnt include, fancy restaurant meals, exqusite trips to include ~~ shopping 🙂 (and now I know why I got the email today)
A couple of links follow:
Intro to their documentary – Minimalism
Next steps for me! #whispersinmyheart