Newlyweds for 8 Days! Treva and Casey, you two are perfect for one another. To find true love and to share one dream is a blessing. May you have many happy years together!
What a wonderful weekend of wedding festivities! So much to remember:
Columbia, SC; TheHarts, TheWilliams, The Randles, The Reeds, TheWarrens, The Groomsmen, The Bridesmaids, Relatives, Friends; TheBlueMarlinRestaurant, The Golf, The PalmettoClub, TrinityEpiscopalChurch, CityArtGallery; Theflowers, TheBalloons, TheMusic: YouaresoBeautifultome, Imagine, TheGroomsmenTributetoTreva!, TheCake, TheJaguar, TheChampagne,and most importantly, the BeautifulBrideandGorgeousGroom!