Do you have a button pusher?

by | Jan 30, 2017 | Business Coaching | 0 comments

My button pusher whether in the corporate or social environment, is a bully!  Arrogant, know-it-all, dude or woman.  Being an empath, I feel and pick up on those who are being bullied including myself. Eventually I get to a point where I can’t take it any more.  Before I react, I will take a moment and ask myself  WHY questions: 1) Why am I am reacting this way?  2) Why is the button pusher doing this; is he/she intentional in what they’re doing? 3) Why do I feel this way?  I have learned to tap into my feelings and not react to a button pusher. Freedom comes when we deal with the why and how we react.  What pushes your buttons? 

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