Jan 23, 2014 | Business Coaching
#Image / Oh, how I wished I could have looked like the ideal Barbie! (image on the left) “a fashion doll manufactured by the American toy-company Matell Inc., and launched in March 1959. Barbie is the figurehead of a brand of Mattel dolls and accessories,...
Jan 22, 2014 | Business Coaching
Shame on You! Ouch! From my favorite blog today, Christiane Northrup, M.D. “Shame is, hands down, the most uncomfortable feeling. And, because it produces continuous amounts of inflammatory chemicals in the body, it is also a health risk. Brene Brown, in...
Jan 19, 2014 | Business Coaching
God must have been hovering over me today. He sent me two beautiful quotes! C. S. Lewis. Novelist and Poet: “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our consciences, but shouts in our pains. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” ...
Jan 18, 2014 | Business Coaching
“I am not going to live a comfortable, numb life anymore” – Coach Cheryl Richardson Agree, let’s live a little, make that a big little! ~ Julie
Jan 14, 2014 | Business Coaching
I received two messages in my email today, one from Wayne Dyer’s blog, “My 12 step programming to simplifying your life” specifically, ” Unclutter Your Life. You’ll feel a real rush of inspiration when you clear out stuff that’s no longer...