Feb 9, 2014 | Business Coaching
Feb 8, 2014 | 2014 - Weekly Fun, Business Coaching
I use to meditate, I called it my quiet time, but I havent really meditated for a long time (I think I still have to figure out the difference between pray and meditation). Anyhow, I came across this blog on how to meditate and thought to myself, it is time to...
Feb 2, 2014 | Business Coaching
I met #CoachCherylRichardson a long time ago thru her books and radio shows www.hayhouseradio.com I just received an email that she is teaching her year online course again on Extreme Self Care starting February 12th, 2014. Oh, oh, oh, just wanted to share this...
Jan 31, 2014 | Business Coaching
It’s Friday and doesnt this sound lovely! “Create a soft place to land in your home a refuge from the stress of the day”. Great advice from the DailyOM Blog Just love this “Our day-to-day demands can quickly take their toll on our...
Jan 26, 2014 | Business Coaching
My favorite saying of the day which was posted on my facebook page! Words to think on! ~Julie
Jan 24, 2014 | Business Coaching
How many people are better off because you lived? LEADERSHIP: Bill and Peggy Britt. Bill passed away in January 2013 at age 81. One year ago. God Bless you Bill! Your eulogy lives on…!