May 28, 2015 | Business Coaching
What advice would you give to the young women of the world? True or False
May 20, 2015 | Business Coaching
#BeAuthentic #Weallgetfoundout #BeReal I was headed for a simple dinner, fresh tomatoes a little blue cheese and a glass of Cabernet. Oh, no wrong place! I over-heard an international business conversation/meeting. Experienced waiter had prep’ed the...
May 19, 2015 | Business Coaching
Dare to Read? Luv’ed these books! #SummertimeReading
May 17, 2015 | Business Coaching
I have been working on a new knitting project 🙂 my yarn is purple and called “Pucker Up” ahem? So grateful for my Auntie June and Auntie Iris who made knitted gifts for my daughter Kristi #passingiton #familygifts...