Aug 20, 2015 | Business Coaching
There must be something in the air this week? Yikes! I have def breathed in some words of wisdom this week! Sharing pics from a wise friend ” DT” #Whispersinmyheart promise #Gigglesinmyheart next week 🙂
Aug 18, 2015 | 2015 - Weekly Fun, Business Coaching
I love poetry, pics and lasting meaning that impact our lives… For the life of me I cant get this saying out of my head “If you want to know how people feel about themselves, look at how they treat other people” DLG (+ a matching pic)...
Aug 9, 2015 | 2015 - Weekly Fun
Gone is the big house movement (for me) #LivingSimple. Not sure whether to join the #sheshed movement or the #tinyhouse movement? 🙂
Aug 2, 2015 | 2015 - Weekly Fun
#ExploringNorthCarolina #Apex and #Pittsboro fun road trip great places to see and eat! 🙂
Jul 23, 2015 | Uncategorized