Jun 12, 2016 | 2016 - Weekly Fun
I am sure many of us return to a place where we revisit our childhood memories. My journal this visit would record 10 memories (8 wonderful memories, 2 not so good): Countryside: The English countryside! I loved walking through the buttercup fields in the village!...
Jun 5, 2016 | 2016 - Weekly Fun
In honor of Memorial Day 2016. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you abundantly! to all of our service men and women worldwide. We salute you! May we all visit Arlington! “Arlington” ~ Listen “I never thought that this is where I’d settle down, I...
Apr 11, 2016 | Business Coaching
What do you think about this quote during annual, corporate assessments, “what someone else thinks of me is none of my business” `WD #coaching+
Apr 10, 2016 | Business Coaching
Creation says you are here for a purpose! Does your personal and business/corporate life match your purpose? Watch out for the serpent! #coaching+ ~J
Apr 7, 2016 | Business Coaching
Oh my, I realized today, that I need to reflect on this chart. Can you relate to this chart? I giggled at the “Cons” 🙂 #coaching+ #serving ~J
Apr 5, 2016 | Business Coaching
Learning to apologize like a Sheep Farmer, Wales, UK. In a corporate world, or in our personnel lives, we must learn to apologize when we make a mistake. Essential! However, if we dont feel safe we cover up, make an excuse, or something? (which all see through)....