Mar 28, 2017 | Business Coaching, Poetry
I fell in love with this woman, #MayaAngelou Poet, Guru, many, many moons ago. I was so thrilled to hear one of my favorite poems/ video “This Girl Can” on British TV. Is it about the dress? or the soul?...
Jan 30, 2017 | Business Coaching
My button pusher whether in the corporate or social environment, is a bully! Arrogant, know-it-all, dude or woman. Being an empath, I feel and pick up on those who are being bullied including myself. Eventually I get to a point where I can’t take it...
Jan 9, 2017 | Business Coaching
Acting on impulse doesn’t exercise patience it creates consequences for decisions that are not well thought through. All actions have consequences, good or bad. For example, over buying a house can create financial distress; not exercising or eating nourishing...
Jan 8, 2017 | Business Coaching
Commit to learning new skills daily! Am I flexible, creative, authentic? Do I listen, communicate and set goals? Repeat!
Dec 5, 2016 | Business Coaching
#theHusbandsSecret. It’s wintertime, I hibernate, read and get as close as I can to a warm fire. What would you do if you found a letter from your husband or wife that said, “to be opened only in the event of my death, and he/she is still living. Would you...
Nov 30, 2016 | Business Coaching
I was recently in an argument and felt bad afterwards 🙁 Have you ever had an argument! Geez, havent we all! I always feel bad afterwards! How not to? read further here! #dontargue #whispersinmyheart