Blog Posts
September 10, 2014 (on the eve of 9/11 (2001)
Let's never forget on the eve of 9/11 (2001). Do you have a few minutes? please? A voice of reason! Post by Prince Ea.
August 22, 2014, Fall / Autumn 2014.. So excited for cooler weather in the South, USA
Post by Sabal Palm Cottage.
August 18, 2014 – We need answers /\s Michael Brown
Keep running bro! A young man, 18, a Son! What happened? Mistrust? Why are you still shooting Officer? 6 shots+? In loving memory of Michael Brown! So proud of the community of Ferguson! Let us not forget and seek Justice! "the process or result of using laws to...
August 11, 2014 – RIP Robin Williams! Brillant! Why?
Stunned! Gone way to soon! Luv'ed this Dude! Touched my life! Brillant, "of life and color, very bright and brillant" A gifter! Choose Life! /\s
August 4th, 2014 – Meet Copper!
Copper is a one year old Chocolate Lab; his first time to the beach/island. He loved riding around the island on the golf cart too! Come back soon Copper -- to our dog friendly island 🙂 Post by Sabal Palm Cottage.
August 1, 2014 – Such a Special Day
This is a great day in the Carolina's !!! Oh Yes! My Son's birthday, as well as, his first purchase of Real Estate with his wife (Treva) and my first sweet grandson (Finn) is two month's old today Yippee-dah-doo-day!.. Oh..and then I saw this pic and words that...