Aug 12, 2012 | Uncategorized
Week Thirty-Two The Bridal Shower – August 11, 2012 The highlight of the week had to be the invitation to the bridal shower and watching, Girlfriends! Sorority Sisters! Elegant! Best Friends! BFFs! GenYs! The Millennials! celebrate the bride-to me! What...
Aug 5, 2012 | Uncategorized
Week Thirty-One Fit n’ Flabby – F n’ F Visualizing! Visualizing! That’s the pic of my body in 12 weeks! (Wishful thinking!) Seriously tho I do have a question, can one be fit but flabby? Yep, that’s me, I think? Fit n’ Flabby....
Jul 29, 2012 | Uncategorized
Week Thirty 27 July 2012, Olympic Games, London Athletes! I can’t believe all of the events that have happened so far this year. Whooo! When I scroll back thru my weekly blog, so much has happened, happy and sad, 🙂 🙁 but, this week an amazing event! The...
Jul 22, 2012 | Uncategorized
Week Twenty-Nine Aurora, Colorado – Friday, July 2oth, 2012 Why? I really have nothing to say about my life this week. Seriously, who cares about my little box? blah, blah, blah! I just want to say my heart bleeds for the families and friends of the...
Jul 15, 2012 | Uncategorized
Week Twenty Eight The three “C”s – Coward, Courage, Consistency When I started this blog at the begining of 2012 I thought it would be a breeze to write one posting a week about my week/life, right? wrong! (seens as when I was a little girl I...