The Melting Pot

The Melting Pot

Wellington Boots, prim-properness, narrow streets, tiny brick houses, the greyish fog,  porkpie, black pudding, the pound. The smell of cigar smoke, sangria, bullfights, maracas, waiters dressed in black and white, the siesta, the peseta. Red lights, ladies of the...
The Melting Pot


Week Forty-Two The ramblin’ rose -1/2 marathon It was a beautiful day here in NC.  Rose at 5:00am to crisp, cool weather, 45 degrees.  The start of the race was at 7:30am, so it was good to have a little time to drink coffee and have my private conversation with...


Week Forty Simplicity  God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference
The Melting Pot


Week Thirty-Nine The Seahorse When under stress from…… which I create, am I reminded, to breathe, say “this to will pass” and go to gratitude,  and think about all of the wonderful things that I have in my life.  There are many things on my...
The Melting Pot


Week Thirty-Eight The Library Card Lady (LCL)   I think they call me The Library Card Lady (LCL) because I just love libraries.  When I travel, I either frequent a library or an Independent Book Store.  These are the houses of wisdom and knowledge and in most cases...