Jan 26, 2014 | Business Coaching
My favorite saying of the day which was posted on my facebook page! Words to think on! ~Julie
Jan 25, 2014 | Sabal Palm Cottage
This cold weather has me dreaming of walking on East Beach, Bald Head Island, NC. Spring is just around the corner! 😉
Jan 24, 2014 | Business Coaching
How many people are better off because you lived? LEADERSHIP: Bill and Peggy Britt. Bill passed away in January 2013 at age 81. One year ago. God Bless you Bill! Your eulogy lives on…!
Jan 23, 2014 | Business Coaching
#Image / Oh, how I wished I could have looked like the ideal Barbie! (image on the left) “a fashion doll manufactured by the American toy-company Matell Inc., and launched in March 1959. Barbie is the figurehead of a brand of Mattel dolls and accessories,...
Jan 22, 2014 | Business Coaching
Shame on You! Ouch! From my favorite blog today, Christiane Northrup, M.D. “Shame is, hands down, the most uncomfortable feeling. And, because it produces continuous amounts of inflammatory chemicals in the body, it is also a health risk. Brene Brown, in...