Jul 25, 2017 | Business Coaching
Did it really begin 170 days ago on February 1, 2017? I know it ended today, July 25, 2017. With daily reminders and a trusted guide, Jodi Oehlke Cuccuresse, I managed to complete the 170 day task. I had also completed this task once...
Jul 23, 2017 | Business Coaching
Have you ever heard of the stone soup story? No! not me until this week; weird name? just had to read it. “There are many variations on the story of stone soup, but they all involve a traveler coming into a town beset by famine. The inhabitants try...
Jul 16, 2017 | Business Coaching
No Excuses! After reading this book I felt a little ashamed at the issues I have had to overcome. I understand that everything is relative to our own situation but I did feel like a #whimpadoodle after reading #KyleMaynard ‘s book #NoExcuses...
Jun 11, 2017 | Business Coaching
When we think of puppy dogs we think of innocent little beings seeking love (similar to our children). I was listening to a Dave Ramsey (financial guru) podcast the other day while out running/walking. He said to a person calling into his radio show, “are...
Mar 28, 2017 | Business Coaching, Poetry
I fell in love with this woman, #MayaAngelou Poet, Guru, many, many moons ago. I was so thrilled to hear one of my favorite poems/ video “This Girl Can” on British TV. Is it about the dress? or the soul?...