by | Apr 4, 2012 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Week Thirteen

(I missed a beat)

 April Fool’s day arrived early and I realized after playing a few “fool” tricks on  folks, like the normal one, I had won the lottery, (I should try and become more creative but,) here in the US it was the week of the largest Mega pay-out ever of 1/2-a-$billion; and then continued to play silly other tricks with folks that my commitment to write a weekly block passed me by and I am now a few days late.   Therefore, I am going to post another snippet of a poem I wrote back in 1991, as a memory to a friend, Ayman Salai

I didn’t want to write about
how I imagine my parents before I was born
or connections linking me to the world or nature
or words that “splurge-well” in everyday language
or what the river says to me
or even try and put language into what I desire
– it all seemed so dammed worthless
All I wanted to write about was the
Palestinian who’s lost his country.

 and needless to say my mentor, writer in residence, published my poem

Get back on track Randle for next week 🙂



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